We believe in offering a comprehensive assessment of oral and over all general health at our clinic.
Direct Fillings (directly placed in the tooth).
Indirect Fillings (fabricated in a lab and then bonded/cemented to the tooth)
Amalgam (silver) fillings are resistant to wear and relatively inexpensive. How ever, due to their dark color, they are not usually used in visible areas, such as front teeth.
Composit resins are matched to be the same color as your teeth and therefore used where a natural appearance is desired. Composites may not be the ideal material for large filling as they may chip or wear. They can also be stained out over a period of time.
Gold fillings are made to order in a laboratory and then cemented into place. Gold inlays are well tolerated by the gum tissue, and may last the longest. For these reason many authorities consider gold the best filling material. How ever it is oftern the most expensive choice and requires multiple visits.
Porcelain fillings are inlays or onlays which are produced to order in a lab and then bonded to the tooth. They can be matched to the color of the tooth and resist staining. A porcelain restoration generally covers most of the teeth.
A filling is a way to restore a tooth damaged by decay, to enhance the aesthetic of the tooth, and to restore chipped or broken part of the tooth to their normal function and shape.
No one type of filling is best for every one. What's right for your tooth will be determined by the extent of the repair, whether you have allergies to certain material, where in the mouth the filling is needed, and the cost.
It is not necessary to seek treatment at a practice that does not use mercury. How ever if you have mercury allergy or if one is pregnant, you must inform your dentist.
Inlay and onlays are indirect dental restoration that reinforce an existing tooth that is too damaged to support a filling, but not damaged enough to require a crown. An inlay is cemented on the chewing surface between the bumps (cusps) of a tooth where as onlay cover one or more of the cusps.
There are two types of inlay and onlays and they are direct and the indirect types. Direct inlays and onlays are done inside dental office and are placed in only one visit. The indirect ones are fabricated in the laboratory and require two visits to complete the procedure.
Gold, cobalt chromium, composit resin or ceramics may be used to create inlay and onlays. Which material is chosen may be influenced by aesthetic appeal, strength, durability and cost. Other factor that influence the longevity of an inlay or onlay includes strength of tooth that is treated, the amount of chewing that occurs on the restoration and patient's willingness to maintain oral hygiene and to have regular dental examination.
If you are not born with beautiful teeth, or if your smile has lost its sparkle due to ageing and from the effects of drinking tea, coffee and red wine, we can create the beautiful smile of your dreams. Modern cosmetic dentistry gives you the chance to smile with confidence.
Cosmetic dentistry involves dental procedures with the aim of improving the overall aesthetics of your smile. Whether you want a dazzling "Smile makeover" or a more conservative look, we can cater to your every need. A beautiful smile can have a positive impact on your self-confidence and self-esteem.
At Thamel Dental Clinic each treatment is customised to your individual requirements at a consultation with our cosmetic dentists. Take the next step and call Thamel Dental Clinic today!
Composite Veneer - are thin shells of tooth colored, translucent composit resin, custom made to fit over teeth and improve color, shape, and over all appearance.
Porcelain Veneer - are thin shells of tooth colored, translucent porcelain, custom made or fabricated in lab to fit over teeth. Veneers can dramatically improve your smile and appearance.
Non preparation Veneer - are porcelain laminate veneers placed on the teeth with out removing any tooth substance.
Palatal Veneer - these are resin bonded palatal metal (gold or nickel - chromium) alloy veneers which offers resistance to tooth wear which will reduce the risk of enamel fracture and pulp tissue inflammation.
Ceramic advanced crown are state of the art dental solution. By utilizing various exceptionally strong type of ceramic material it has now become possible to construct incredibly life like crowns which do not need a metal inner layer to give better strength. The resulting crown has a level of translucency and opalescence like a natural tooth what will compliment and enhance your smile. e.g. Zirconia.
A dentine bonded crown is a very thin porcelain crown that is bonded only to the dentine which is the middle layer of the teeth underneath the enamel and acts very much like an artificial enamel layer. They are very thin, strong, attractive, and natural in appearance.
Computer - aided design/manufacturing technology which helps dentist and dental technicians to fabricate precise shapes and sizes for dental restoration, including inlays, onlays, crown, and bridges. This procedure provides us with durable, well fitted single and multiple restorations in a single or double visit in a more efficient ways.
This type of crown is fabricated with the combination of a very strong metal core (precious or non precious alloy) surrounded by an outer layer of tooth colored porcelain.
Gold alloys used to fabricate crowns are very strong and long lasting. The amount of tooth preparation required for a gold crown is less and has the advantage of preserving more tooth structure. These crowns are very gentle and non abrasive to apposing teeth may be the best option for people with very strong bite or a grinding habit. Due to their golden tinge they are mainly used for the posterior teeth.
This is a special type of gold crown which does not cover the outer or visible portion of the tooth so that the natural enamel can be left in place. The advantage of a tooth coloured outer portion of the teeth with the strength and long term stability of gold for the biting surface insures better health for the tooth.
A dental crown is a cap like restoration that covers the tooth in order to repair a broken tooth or strengthen a decayed tooth. A crown will help to restore the natural structure, function and appearance of the tooth.
The tooth which has been crowned must be protected from gum disease or tooth decay. It is very important to maintain good oral hygiene; brush your teeth twice a day and floss regularly especially around the crown area where the gum meets tooth and see your dentist regularly.
Dental crowns typically last between 5-10 years but your crown's life span will depend on the amount of wear and tear it is exposed to, and how well you take care of it. Your mouth habit (grinding, biting your finger nails, clenching teeth, using your teeth to open bottles and packages) will have a direct impact on the longevity of your crown.
It's rare, but possible for your crown to pop off. If this happens, it must be replaced immediately for sensitivity and esthetic reasons. There for make an appointment immediately or as soon as possible to visit your dentist.
There are different materials, ranging in price and strength. The dentist will discuss and suggest the best option for the tooth which has to be restored depending on the specific dental needs.
Root canal treatment is advised when the nerve or blood supply of the teeth (also known as the pulp) is infected due to injury or decay. Root canal treatment involves removal of the diseased pulp, followed by the cleaning, shaping and sealing the pulp chamber and root canal.
Root canal treatment usually involves no more discomfort than a routine filling appointment. In fact, most endodontic treatment relieves pain. Most stories of painful root canals are a holdover from the days before modern techniques and anesthetic were available.
Some times teeth cannot be treated successfully. The dentist will explain potential complications before treatment. A few cases will require additional surgical treatment if the tissue do not heal normally after the root canal treatment has been completed.
Most cases will be done in one visit, though complex cases may require additional appointments. You should plan on one to two hours for each visit normally.
If a diseased or damaged pulp is not removed, the tooth and surrounding tissues may become inflamed or infected, eventually resulting in an abcess. Left untreated, ultimately the tooth will have to be removed.
Our own natural teeth are always best. We agree that artificial substitute do not function or appear quite as well as natural teeth. In addition, extraction and replacement is usually much more costly.
Modern dental digital radiography is the safest form of radiography used in medicine today. Before, during and after root canal treatment, usually 2-3 x-rays will be necessary.
We utilize autoclave sterilization and barrier techniques to eliminate any risk of infection.
Well, it depends on case to case, your dentist will tell you either you need crowns or not. Probably, it is always better to have a crown after RCT if it is a posterior teeth.
If you are not sure if a dental problem is an emergency, dentists offer this advice:
When you are (e.g. top of the world, Mt Everest) and what ever you do, dental Emergency situation can suddenly appear, usually in the most inappropriate moment.
In such a situation , not to let things go worse, a professional emergency dental care is always needed.
At any time our staff will be happy to contact us for your emergency needs.
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